Before you wonder, it's about the idea of Superman having the same brooding dark tone as the Dark Knight.
This was posted at
the_dark_superman which I stumbled across:
A Dark Superman? The Dark Knight's recent success has convinced WB the next pack of superhero movies should have the same brooding tone. The evil side to characters is now the key to unlocking some of their DC properties. "We're going to try to go dark to the extent that the characters allow it," Group Pres. Robinov says. "That goes for the company's Superman franchise as well."
Are we ready for this?
I think we are, and that we certainly will be after
Watchmen carves itself into the general cultural psyche. Especially if he's compared in any way to Dr.Manhattan.
There's definitely more depth to a conflicted hero. More story.
Why wouldn't a near godlike entity with a belief in striving towards good get frustrated with us mortals?
Use BOTH sides. That way you can keep the values he was raised under and add in the frustration that he has sworn not to rule over humanity, yet we treat each other like crap.
How does the Man of Steel deal with the fact that he can hear family abuse, hate crimes and murder? Even from orbit.
Would he share his frustrations or bottle them inside?How would the Superman be tempted to cure humanity of it's weaknesses?Superman flailing would be like watching a Greek God fall from Olympus into the muck.
Hell, bring in Brainiac into the movie franchise. But give the guy some subtlety.
Bring him in as the man behind the curtain, who tests Superman's other powers. His legendary optimism and patience. His hope. And don't just give only one villain to take on. He's Superman, he can multi-task!
Superman has never been my favourite hero due to the sheer edge in power he has over most of his opponents. The last Superman film seemed caught and confused on where to go, it had great moments but then seemed restrained or illogical. The last thing you need to ruin that really good suspension of disbelief is a '
hang on a minute' moment.