Thursday, 4 September 2008

Web 2.0 roundup part one...

Well the Web 2.0 project is drawing to a close.
It's been fun, though I wish a few less real life demands had hit while it was on.
I'd already made a Flickr folio, which is not only a useful tool but is creating weird spin-off projects such as "Album Covers from a Parallel Universe" which is kind of a conceptual collage.

The point of play is to generate an album cover. Use the following ingredients:

* Wikipedia's Random Page []: The article name is the name of your band;
* Random Quotations Page []: The last four words of the last quote are the name of the album;
* Flickr's Interesting Picture Page []: The third picture is your album cover image.

Mash them all together in your favoured art package and behold, a band is born.
I'd like to post my album cover mash-up, but I'm being good and respecting the artist's copyright. As soon as they give the all clear it'll be album cover time!

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